Cinfulcinnamon's Blog

~~More Fav Quotes…Part 2~~

Posted on: August 16, 2010

     Today’s quote is  from an “anonymous” author.  It’s a quote that you’ve seen around, maybe smiled at, and then forgot.  Until you see it again. This  one is not only a good quote,  also good words to live by:

Don’t Make Decisions When You’re Angry, and Don’t Make Promises When You’re Happy”

     Oh, the number of times I have gotten angry about something and vowed that I would either NEVER do that again, or get even with someone.  The amount of time that we sometimes spend on revenge can be staggering.  That’s probably why someone else came up with the saying, “never say never”.  That way, there aren’t so many words that we have to eat in our lifetime.  Righteous feelings of betrayal are one thing.  And a way to learn from the mistakes that we make when trusting less than honorable individuals in this life.  Sometimes however, you must cut your losses and move toward more constructive projects.  The time that we spend “hatin” on someone is time and calories that could be spent on more productive ventures.  I do believe in the Karma bus.  I’d like to come back to this life as the Karma bus driver. 

     This part of the quote reminds me of the Showtime series called “Dexter”.  I didn’t get to watch it when it first came out, so I am now watching the dvds that we get through Netflix.  Dexter is a forensics specialist with the Miami Police Dept.  His specialty is blood evidence.  By day, he solves crimes, and by night he’s a serial killer that preys on the evil people in the world.  Once he proves they are guilty, he dispassionately metes out justice.  It’s not pretty, but it is thrilling.  There have been times in my life that I wished I’d had good ol Dexter on speed dial.  The sad thing is that the tradeoff for being able to dispatch criminals the way that he does; is that he feels nothing.  And all he really wants in life is to be “normal”.  I guess I’ll just take my lumps with the lessons that I have to learn in order to always feel passionate about my life and my experiences.

     The second part of the quote, “and Don’t Make Promises When You’re Happy” can be equally destructive.  We ALL get jazzed up about something that has made us happy, or caught up in a new thrill.  It’s all we can think about, and all we want to do.  While caught up in this new thing that gets us “high” we can pledge to do things that may really be out of our reach to follow through on.  Say, you have a great time volunteering some time at a planned event.  It’s so successful that you tell everyone that you’re going to do it again, and again.  And it will be bigger and better than this one was…yada yada.  You are so swept up in the emotions that went into the event, or all the praise that you got for helping with the event that your mouth kind of overloads your good sense.  Later, after all the lights are out and things are put away, and you have a chance to think about all the things that you’ve said……oh boy, you could be in deep doo doo.  How are you ever going to keep up with the promises that you made?  Can you afford to? ,Money wise and time wise?  Sometimes I think that good intentions can get us into as much trouble as shying away from any kind of involvement.  As we all know; where people are concerned, something is bound to go wrong.  What you say, and what you mean can mean different things to different people.  And when dealing with people who only hear what they “want” to hear it can be quite the battle.  The only advice I could give here is to stay grounded.  Look before you leap, and listen before you speak.  Set your goals and make sure that you can follow through on your promises.  The promises that you make are the very things that people use to judge you.  If you say you will do the smallest thing….do it.  Whatever it takes.  Do not plant the seed of doubt in someone’s mind that you will not follow through.  Your word must be your bond.  Start out small and work up to the big promises.  And by the time you are up to the big ones, there is no room for doubt.  It’s a wonderful feeling to be known for “saying what you can do, and doing what you say”.  Just temper your enthusiasm in all things, be they good or bad. 



1 Response to "~~More Fav Quotes…Part 2~~"

Wow. I get myself in trouble by promising too much. I do it with my kids. I always keep my promises, but a little moderation in what I promise would be wise.

In a nutshell, you’re saying balance is the key to life. And you’re so very, very right!

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I am: an Air Force vet, Mom, sister, friend, Lifestyler, and all-around smartass with a heart of gold. I have lived all over the far East and learned many things about people and cooking, art and true value. I like to share my experience with the rest of the world. I will be the most loyal friend or most annoying enemy you've ever known. Honest to a fault. My life has not always been easy, but it has never ever been boring.

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